Check out our YOUTUBE Videos of our Cultural & Spiritual Journeys
Archbishop Berardnito Auza, Permanent Observer, Nuncio of the Holy See to the United Nations. Evening Prayer on the Opening of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assemblly
Interview with Fr. Emmanuel from Tanzania. After Interview $500 was raised by Friends of the Word, Inc. to purchase Bibles for the children of his Diocese, Dodoma,Tanzania
Friends of the Word Interview with Pastor of Holy Cross Church, St Petersburg, FL, Fr John D’Antonio
Getting Ready for Sunday Mass
Interview at St. Ann’s Melkite Church
9/11 Annual Public Servants Mass
Memories with +Bishop Tom Donato (RIP August 25, 2015)

CCMCommunications Television Center. dedicated Sept. 1, 1999, built during the Ministry of Father Scurti. Last Mass Celebrated May, 2010
Holy Mass in the Catacomb of St. Callistus, Rome
Annual Food & Toy Collection with WPUNJ Football Team

Easter Mass, Holy Cross, St. Petersburg, FL

Beatified by John Paul II. Sunday October 19, 2003. Father Lou Scurti visited Mother Theresa with 25 De Paul High School students at St. Anthony Convent, Bronx, NY in 1980