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EVANGELIZING THE WORD, JESUS CHRIST The Temple, The Tabernacle, the Universe….is where we find God WE INVITE YOU TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY: PayPal.Me/FriendsoftheWord WE INVITE YOU TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY: PayPal.Me/FriendsoftheWord TO Connect with FOTW: /FRIENDS OF THE WORD: WE INVITE YOU TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY: PayPal.Me/FriendsoftheWord   TO Connect with FOTW: /FRIENDS OF THE…

EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR HIM 5th Sunday also commemorating St Blaise
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EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR HIM 5th Sunday also commemorating St Blaise

On the 5th Sunday of the Year, Fr Louis Scurti shares his insights on how to follow Jesus, seeking healing and life! EVANGELIZING THE WORD, JESUS CHRIST WE INVITE YOU TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY: PayPal.Me/FriendsoftheWord WE INVITE YOU TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY: PayPal.Me/FriendsoftheWord TO Connect with FOTW: /FRIENDS OF THE WORD: https://www.facebook.com/www.FriendsoftheWord.org www.friendsoftheword.org RUMBLE https://rumble.com/user/frlouscurti…